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Wanita Cantik di Mata Pria

Wanita Cantik di Mata Pria
Wanita-wanita Berparas Menawan Hati


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Ask for help

Just because you don't have a label to help out with promotion doesn't mean you have to fly solo. Friends, family members and fans are almost always willing to help, but they probably won't volunteer if you don't ask. Have a friend who loves writing? Get him to take a stab at a band bio or press sheet. Does one of your fans know a music blogger? Ask if she might be able to get your music reviewed. The DIY musicians who aren't afraid to ask for help are almost always the ones who get the furthest with promotion.


Foto Ilustrasi : Istimewa
Labels: Ask for help

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Wanita Cerdas Hormati Pria Berpengetahuan Luas
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Proud to be Indonesia

Proud to be Indonesia
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