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Wanita Cantik di Mata Pria

Wanita Cantik di Mata Pria
Wanita-wanita Berparas Menawan Hati


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Know who you are and have something to say

"I'm always amazed when I ask someone about their band or music and it becomes a struggle for them to describe it accurately in any way, shape, or form," says Rikk Currence, one-half of local duo JoyFocus. "If you don't know what your sound or band is all about, then how do you expect clubs, agents, managers, labels and most importantly, fans, to know? Take the time to really discover and then clarify your musical identity. Once you do that, the who, what, where and how of getting your music out there will become much clearer."


Foto Ilustrasi : Istimewa
Labels: Know who you are and have something to say

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Wanita Cerdas Hormati Pria Berpengetahuan Luas
Jendela Nusantara

Proud to be Indonesia

Proud to be Indonesia
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Iklan : WWT, IM. OtO, WM

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